sims 4 shoes

Bambam Sandals – New Mesh   Flip Flops Collection – Remake   Hillary Sandals – New Mesh Aphrodite heels

Bambam Sandals – New Mesh


Bambam Sandals - New MeshLet me start off by thanking @richierichiet​​ for allowing me to make some shoes with her beautiful feet for Men and Women 😍🥰❤ Thank You!
This version is compatible with my Toenail Colors, so you can easily change the toenail...

Flip Flops Collection – Remake

Flip Flops Collection - RemakeDid someone say flip flops … and toe rings? Well, I couldn’t resist lol 😍😂 There are a few versions to choose from. Base Game Compatible! 👍🏻😃
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[[MORE]]There are 5 versions. Slider and No slider,...


Hillary Sandals – New Mesh


Aphrodite heels