Barbie movies chelsea and the lost birthday

It’s Chelsea’s birthday and she can’t believe it! All she’s wanted is to celebrate with her best friends and her family. Unfortunately, she’s lost the…

It’s Chelsea’s birthday and she can’t believe it! All she’s wanted is to celebrate with her best friends and her family. Unfortunately, she’s lost the invitation that tells her where her birthday party is! Chelsea sets off on an exciting adventure to find her lost birthday party, accompanied by her magical pet cat, Toby.
Along the way, Chelsea meets new friends who help her on her journey, from fairies and pixies to robots and even aliens. She has to brave many dangers as she searches, from fire-breathing dragons to giant golems and more! She must rely on her wit and bravery to succeed and make it to her party in time!
But all of that might be for naught, if Chelsea doesn’t learn an important lesson along the way – the importance of friendship, love, and sharing with those who you care about. Join Chelsea on her journey of discovery, excitement, and of course, birthday fun, in Barbie Movies: Chelsea and the Lost Birthday.