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Fitness Controls Sims 4

Fitness Controls for The Sims 4


Fitness Controls Sims 4

Fitness Controls Sims 4

What it does
This mod is a bundle of tweaks and options for you to control the fat and muscle changes of your sims. Through a handy in-game settings menu, you can:

Why would you want this?
Fat and muscle changes in an unmodded The Sims 4 are tuned to be very fast, so you can see immediate results after exercise. If you play on longer lifespans, or would like a subtler fitness feature, or like the idea of sims’ bodies changing more realistically, you might want this mod’s Fitness Changes Multiplier feature to slow things down.

In an unmodded game, the background sims that eat from food stalls and go the gym will have their fat and muscle change from the things they do while in your neighborhood. This can lead them to quickly get extreme bodies, if most of their on-screen time is spent exercising or eating. If you play on longer lifespans, or with aging off for non-played sims, this problem becomes worse. If you switch households a lot, this can affect your own played sims while they are out of your control. Using this mod’s No NPC Fitness Change feature can solve this issue while still letting your played sims be affected by fitness while you are playing with them.


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