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sims 4 high school years goth teens cc

sims 4 high school years goth teens

sims 4 high school years goth teens

High school can be hard when you are goth, but luckily these sims 4 goth teens have the right clothes, accessories and hairstyles to fit right in at high school. This cc will give your sims everything they need to succeed in the most popular clique at school while maintaining their goth fashion style. The dress code at this goth teens high school includes plaid skirts, oxford shirts, black boots and plenty of piercings!
goth teens cc

Introducing the Goth students

As your Sims start their high school years, you’ll want to make sure they have everything they need to succeed. And that includes the perfect outfit! These Goth-inspired looks will give your Sim an edge in fashion and in life. From dark and brooding to eerie and spooky, there’s a style for every goth teen. So check out our list of the best Sims 4 Goth CC below.

I’m in love with the new sims 4 goth cc! The dark colors and edgy styles are perfect for my high school years sims. I’ve created some amazing outfits for my goth sims, and I can’t wait to show them off. I hope you enjoy these looks as much as I do! There’s something for everyone: sexy goth girls, tomboy goths, preppy goths and everything in between.
I’m so excited to share my latest Sims 4 CC find with you all! These beautiful goth teen rooms are perfect for your Sim’s high school years. Each room comes with a bed, dresser, desk, and chair, plus plenty of gothic details like dark walls, skulls, and candles. I hope you enjoy these rooms as much as I do!
Reptilia Top EvellSims

What is CC and how can you use it to make your Sims 4 game more entertaining?


The Sims 4 game gives you the ability to create unique characters with unique personalities. It also lets you customize the look of your Sim, from the clothes that they wear to their hairstyle, body shape and skin tone. But what if your Sim is still looking a little too generic? You can change this with custom content, or CC for short.


Customize your Goth Teen’s high school experience with new CC options in Sims 4!

Transform your Sims 4 high schoolers into edgy goth teens with new CC options for the ultimate dark and broody look.

What is CC (custom content)?
Custom content, or CC, is additional material that modifies or improves upon existing The Sims 4 game content. This includes skins, clothing, hair styles, objects and other forms of visual customization.


Where does CC come from?
In Sims 4, just like other Maxis games, content (CC) creation by modders (modders are people who create content for a game) is an integral part of gameplay. Since sims 3 was released in 2009, a few years before The Sims 4 launched, there’s already thousands of mods out there—and they’re not going anywhere. In fact, many of them have been updated to work on The Sims 4 with hardly any problems at all. Most modders take requests from players; however not all agree on doing so because most of them have full-time jobs as well as creating their own mods.


Does my computer need anything special for CC to work on the Sims 4?

While cc works on both Macs and PCs, it does take a powerful computer to run certain cc. If
you don’t have a powerful computer (the requirements are different depending on what kind of content you want), running certain cc could slow down your game or not work at all. Another thing: if your computer isn’t compatible with DirectX 9c graphics technology, adding certain custom content could mess up your gameplay. If these concerns apply to you, keep an eye out for Powered by Oovee or UE4 as cc producers may only be making content compatible with those specific programs. If a creator doesn’t list what program they’re using, try downloading just one item first before purchasing many items from that creator.

How do I get started with custom content on the Sims 4?

If you’re interested in custom content for The Sims 4, but don’t know where to start, then read on! This guide will show you what’s available and where to find everything. You’ll learn about custom content items (or CC), where to get them, and how to install them into your game.


where to get the sims 4 cc


There are many places where one can find The Sims 4 custom content. A few of these include: The Sims ResourceSimsfindsModTheSims2, Tumblr, Flickr, Google Images and DeviantArt. It’s important to know that there are download links placed on all of these sites which may contain malicious software that could ruin your computer. Using a site like Simfinds which has a large community forum with moderators who monitor downloads and comments will increase a person’s chances at getting safe content for their game. Also knowing what to avoid when searching for specific types of content like using Bing or Yahoo instead of Google images will help eliminate some risk factors that could cause harmful results in their search results.

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