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How to Make Money Gaming: 5 Tips to Get Started

How to Make Money Gaming: 5 Tips to Get Started



Are you looking to make money gaming? Gaming has been growing steadily over the last decade and will continue to do so. According to Super Data Research, the gaming industry made $91 billion in 2016 and will reach $108 billion by 2019. That’s almost double in just three years! With such high growth, it’s no wonder why there are so many people getting into gaming and trying to earn money from it too.

1) Know why you are doing it

A lot of people want to get into gaming as a way to make money, but they don’t always know why they are doing it. There are a few key things that you need to keep in mind if you want to be successful. First, you need to have a passion for gaming. This is the most important thing. If you’re not passionate about gaming, you’re not going to be successful. Second, you need to be able to dedicate a lot of time to gaming.

2) Set your goals and work towards them

Before you start trying to make money gaming, it’s important to set some goals. What do you hope to achieve? Do you want to be able to support yourself entirely through gaming? Or do you just want to make some extra cash? Once you know what your goals are, you can start working towards them.


3) Know what you want from sponsorships

When it comes to sponsorships, it’s important to know what you want and what you’re willing to give up in order to get it. There are a few things to consider when negotiating with sponsors, such as what platform you’re streaming on, how many viewers you have, and what kind of content you produce. Keep in mind that sponsorships are a two-way street—they’re looking for something from you, so be prepared to offer them something in return.


4) Let people know you are looking for sponsorships

1. Start by finding a list of companies that have sponsored gamers in the past. This will give you an idea of who is interested in sponsoring gamers. 2. Next, reach out to these companies and let them know you are looking for sponsorships. 3. Be sure to have a strong social media presence, as this will give you more exposure and make you more attractive to potential sponsors. 4. Attend gaming events and meet with potential sponsors in person. 5.


5) Start building your audience before hitting monetization

The first step to making money gaming is to start building your audience. This can be done by creating quality content and engaging with your viewers. Once you have a solid following, you can then start thinking about ways to monetize your channel. Here are five tips to get started

10 Ways To Make Money Online

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